Grŵp Deddf
List of projects currently being commissioned or underway / delivered
These are projects that will support the work of the Regional Promotion Champion and the individual partners.
The funding cannot be used for capital projects or used as grant money for projects to establish or directly support any kind of Welsh-medium provision and so the projects so far concern themselves with research and data gathering, and the creation of resources. The projects have been discussed and agreed by the partners, prior to project specifications being published.
Each project has a unique reference number, and the information below shows a summary of the projects and their status, as of late July 2023.
Section 1 shows projects that are being commissioned where the closing date has not yet passed; a downloadable PDF is shown next to such projects, for those individuals or organisations who may be interested in submitting a bid.
Section 1 – Projects being commissioned
Project PH004 – “Voice of the People” videos
The aim of this project is to create 10 videos (up to 3 minutes each) that show local people's views (parents, former pupils etc.) of the benefits of a bilingual education and the parents' pride, or the success of the former pupils with regards to their choice. The 10 will require a common style in terms of design.
The videos will also have to be presented subtitled in both English and Welsh, in a suitable font and visually acceptable. Where possible, with parents and former pupils who can and will speak Welsh on film, they will have to be filmed in both languages.
Status: In preparation.
Project PH007 - Draft Engagement and Marketing Strategy
The aim of this project is to is to facilitate the work of the local Education Forums and promote Welsh medium education by creating a resource for the members of the partnership to own and populate by local authority area. We are commissioning a Draft Strategy, not a Strategy. The Draft Strategy will include example/s of, and instructions on how to go draw up all the elements of an Engagement and Marketing Strategy, from the vision to use of social media.
The aim of the Engagement and Marketing Strategies for Welsh-medium Education once they have been adopted locally is to get people to feel that Welsh-medium education is suitable for them, and choose it.
The resource will be shared with the partners and be placed in the partners’ only section on the Regional Promotion Champion’s website. It may be shared more widely amongst practitioners, at an all-Wales level. It will not be available to the public.
Status: Being commissioned - Applications must be received by 5.00pm on 22 August 2023, and awarding will take place by 31 August.
Section 2 – Projects that have been commissioned or are underway
Project PH001 - Mapping the Current Provision
In order to avoid recreating projects and duplicating current work, the partners wish to commission a piece of research that will map across the region in question the current delivery provision of such promotion work (whether by local, regional or national providers).
The successful individual/organisation will be expected to deliver a bilingual report that has mapped as many resources as possible that promote Welsh/Bilingual Education, which will include, but not be limited to the following: current providers, websites, videos, information booklets, social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
Status: Being undertaken, internally within the Partnership, by the Regional Promotion Champion.
Project PH002 - Comparison Report on the Targets for Increasing Numbers
The partners wish to commission a piece of research that will create a profile and comparison report across the region in question of each local authority's targets to increase the numbers of children in Welsh-medium education, and match that against the levels currently reported in their annual reports.
This will provide a clearer regional and cross-border picture and understanding for the Champion and partners, and a useful picture for the Welsh Government.
It will also provide data that will enable them to question each Local Authority about what is happening, and their plans for achieving their targets.
Status: Being undertaken within the partnership – delivery date September 2023.
Project PH003 - Create 2 animated videos on Awareness Raising
The aim of this project is to create 2 animated videos (around 4 minutes each), which not only raise the awareness of specific audiences (see below) in terms of the benefits of bilingual education, but which change the conversation and dispel myths about what Welsh-medium education actually is, and what it is to be bilingual in Wales in the 21st century.
The videos will have to be presented with narration in Welsh and in English, and with appropriate linguistic and visual subtitles.
The animated characters will also need to be available for other follow-up projects, and the videos will need to be available to the partners to be narrated in other languages as needed (but that work will the subject of another project to follow).
The audiences for these 2 videos are:
Script 1 - Councillors / Education Scrutiny Committees / Senior Education Officers / Education Officers who deal with School Admissions (to include their statutory duties together with the benefits);
Script 2 - Headteachers and Parents - a video that is suitable for use in school transition meetings, so that parents understand in a positive way what the benefits are for their children to continue in Welsh-medium education.
Status: Commissioned – delivered to the partnership in March 2023.
Project PH005 – Welsh-medium Education and Additional Learning Needs – Research and Resources
This project deals with the links, myths and problems that can, and do, arise where Welsh-medium education and Additional Learning Needs intersect. This project is therefore split into a number of inter-related sub-sections, which are being commissioned in order to provide the Regional Champion and all partners with a range of research data and resources to tackle the issues.
Ideally, the partners wish a single organisation to undertake the work so that a consistent approach and style is maintained throughout, however joint-submissions will be considered where different skills are being provided by the different organisations/individuals (for example one providing the data/research work and one the video work).
Status: Commissioned and underway - delivery early Autumn 2023.
Project PH006 - Welsh-medium Education and Additional Learning Needs – Research and Resources
This project deals with the links, or lack of links, between the ethnic minority communities and families in the Cardiff Capital Region and Welsh-medium education provision and opportunities covering all ages, but focussing on the 3-16 age range.
This project PH006 is therefore split into a number of inter-related sub-sections, which are being commissioned in order to provide the Regional Champion and all partners with a range of research data and resources to tackle the identified issues.
Status: Commissioned and underway - delivery early Autumn 2023.